Article I. The formulation of this law aims to regulate stock issuance and transactions, to protect investors 'legitimate rights and interests, to safeguard economic order and public interests of the society, and to enhance the development of the socialist market economy. 第一条为了规范证券发行和交易行为,保护投资者的合法权益,维护社会经济秩序和社会公共利益,促进社会主义市场经济的发展,制定本法。
We will speed up development of a multilevel capital market, advance the reform to introduce a system for stock issuance registration, and develop a well-regulated bond market. 加快发展多层次资本市场,推进股票发行注册制改革,规范发展债券市场。
The SIEVC shall vote on the application for stock issuance by way of casting ballots, and bring forward opinions on the examination and verification. 发审委以投票方式对股票发行申请进行表决,提出审核意见。
Among variables of change way efficiency of stock unseasoned issuance it is the paramount external variable. 它是决定新股发行制度变迁效率的诸多变量因素中最重要的外生变量。
By contrast, Credit Suisse, which received the green light over the weekend, steps into a tumbling stock market where equity issuance is expected to be half that this year. 与此相反,瑞信(creditsuisse)虽然在上周末获得了承销许可,但它却一脚踏进了动荡不安的股市:今年的股票发行量可能只有去年的一半。
During the six-year development of the listed companies in Henan province, a fund of approximately ten billion RMB has been raised through stock issuance and compensated equity expansion. 河南省上市公司在6年多的发展历程中,利用发行新股和配股筹资近百亿元。
Stock issuance by Japan's nonfinancial companies, in particular, has fallen sharply along with markets. 在当前市况下,日本非金融类企业的募股规模出现了尤为明显的萎缩。
Preemptive right the right of a company's existing common shareholders to have the first chance to purchase shares in a company's future stock issuance. 给与公司现有普通股股东在未来股票发行时享有购买股票的优先权。
The system of stock issuance and listing should be further improved to promote the healthy development of the securities market. 要完善股票发行、上市制度,进一步推动证券市场健康发展。
Thus, a bank would process a loan or stock issuance application, send it to the FFA for verification, disclosure and independent rating, and then auction the security to its own and other mutual funds. 因此,银行将处理贷款或股票发行申请,将其送交ffa核实、披露和进行独立评级,随后将证券拍卖给自己旗下的和其它的共同基金。
In a summery, our national stock unseasoned issuance system change is featured with characteristics of compulsion, slowness and partialness. 因此总结我国新股发行制度变迁过程的普遍规律是一个具有鲜明强制性的缓慢渐进的局部制度变迁过程。
In a public offer of stocks, when the term for sale by proxy or exclusive sale expires, an issuer shall report the information on stock issuance to the securities regulatory authority under the State Council for archival purpose within the prescribed time. 公开发行股票,代销、包销期限届满,发行人应当在规定的期限内将股票发行情况报国务院证券监督管理机构备案。
The Reformation of the System of Stock Issuance in Our Country 我国股票发行制度研究
Them, the transformation of Chinese stock issuance control system is introduced from three aspects: the supervision system, the admission system and the methods of issuance. 接着,从发行监管体制、发行审核程序、股票发行方式三个方面介绍了我国发行管理制度的变迁。
But, issuance scale that development that capital market of current our country is very unbalanced, the performance is a serious, business enterprise bond far and far smaller stock of the issuance scale. 但是,目前我国资本市场的发展很不均衡,表现为严重的重股轻债,企业债券的发行规模远远小于股票的发行规模。
Research of Some Problems Stock Issuance Control System 股票发行管理制度的若干问题研究
In the first part, the connotation of the stock-issuance system is discussed. 在概述部分,首先探讨了股票发行制度的内涵,在借鉴制度经济学对制度定义的基础上,指出股票发行制度就是支配股票发行行为和由此产生的各种经济利益的规则体系。
An Inquiry into the Question of Stock Issuance in Shenzhen SEZ 对深圳特区发行股票问题的探讨
The conditions of the stock issuance are too rigid to adapt to the need of the economy development. 股票发行条件过于僵化;
Under the qualification approval system, the government's administrative control on the listing-quota has been eliminated, the function of the government in stock issuance has been redressed. 股票发行核准制取消了政府对上市指标和额度的管理,证券监管机构职能被重新定位,股票发行的行政色彩弱化;
And the market of stock issuance is highly monopolized. 股票发行市场高度垄断,层次单一等问题。
The qualification approval system of stock issuance in China commenced in March, 2001.The new approval system started a new era in stock issuance history in China. 我国股票发行核准制自2001年3月起正式实施,股票发行核准制开创了我国股票发行史上新的时代。
April 1993, the regulations on stock issuance and trading management were promulgated, it marking the formal approval of the implementation of the authorizing system. 1993年4月《股票发行与交易管理暂行条例》颁布,标志着审批制的正式实行。
In response, academia developed a number of studies on the issue of free cash flow agency and its constraint mechanism. So far, the studies have been carried out from the perspective of over-investment, corporate value, stock issuance, audit costs and so on. 对此,学术界展开了对自由现金流代理问题及其约束机制的研究,目前已有从过度投资、公司价值、股票增发以及审计费用等角度进行。
From the experience of other countries 'stock markets, issuance of a listed company in the capital markets is the major equity refinancing means. 从各国证券市场的发展经验来看,增发是上市公司在资本市场上最主要的股权再融资手段。
Internet video meeting, Internet video/ audio broadcast, stock market issuance, Long-distance multimedia education and Long-distance consultation go deep into our lives. 网络视频会议、网络音/视频广播、股市行情发布、多媒体远程教育、远程会诊等深入到人们日常生活的每个角落。
Therefore, the GEM stock IPO pricing mechanism is an important factor of the fairness and efficiency of the stock issuance market and secondary trading market, related to the health of the securities market. 创业板股票IPO定价问题是影响股票发行市场和二级交易市场的公平与效率的重要因素,关系着整个证券投资市场的健康与稳定的发展。
The difference is, with reference to the Main Board listing of management of stock issuance and the relevant provisions of the appropriate company lowered its financial targets to be listed on the request, an increase of the issuer in improving corporate governance and sustainable management capacity requirements. 区别在于,参照主板市场股票发行和上市管理的有关规定,适当调低了对拟上市企业在财务指标上的要求,增加了对发行人在完善公司治理和可持续经营能力方面的要求。